GIAN Network

Objectives of the Global Ignatian Advocacy Network (GIAN) of Migration
Forced migration is not only one of the greatest challenges we encounter in the world today, but a clear indicator of how the causes of injustice operate as a driving force for the expulsion of at least 71 million people in the world (UNHCR figure in 2018). We include internal displacement and people forced to leave their countries of origin.
The Society of Jesus has been accompanying refugees, migrants and internally displaced persons for 40 years in a special way. It is a privileged actor who knows both about the causes of expulsion and the situation of the migrants themselves, due to the capillarity of its presence with a multitude of works that work with people in situations of forced migration.
Building a new culture of hospitality, promoting social and political advocacy strategies, sharing a continuous analysis of context or sharing good practices in the service, defense, accompaniment or care of the teams themselves, are real possibilities for action in the field of GIAN.
Universal Apostolic Preferences
Walking with the Excluded
Opening ourselves in the light of the Universal Apostolic Preferences generates the desire to renew our identity, the call to conversion is an opportunity to approach the Magis in the accompaniment of migrant populations. It is in them that we discover that God summons us, from his clamor, a people walking, integrating, fleeing, looking for a better opportunity to access rights and a dignified life. As a personal and community call to conversion, it is essential to promote the practice of Spiritual Exercises and Discernment as well as how to proceed, nurture our identity and help us care for people.
In the preferences there is a confirmation of our work of accompaniment, walking with, sharing the journey, but also reinforce the need to be attentive to the background of the causes of migration, pointing to the necessary change of structures and care of the common home. The violation of environmental rights is one of the first causes of expulsion of people and communities today in all parts of the planet.
They invite us to continue learning from migrants and especially from the young people in whom we maintain the hope of change, the creation of a new hospitality culture. They reinforce the call to articulation, to common projects, to transcend concrete apostolates. The call to conversion is also a call to open ourselves to innovate and be flexible to what the context asks of us.
They are therefore a milestone of renewal and impulse, which require greater depth, which do not lead us to a concrete plan, but to put our horizon in the hands of God and allowing the four preferences to penetrate inside and then express themselves in actions out and with others.
Who is part of this newtork?
Martin Puthussery ( CCU )